Missing Classmates


The committee has been hard at work trying to locate our classmates, but we do  not have email addresses for the folks on this list. If we have no email addresses, then they are not getting email updates.

If you know the emails of any of these folks, please send them to bob@rbbmail.com so they can be entered into the system, and so that they will get notices.


Alan Bartony
Linda Bennotti (Smulligan)
Ronald Bittelari
Warren Blew
Mary Ann Boland
John Brennan
Elaine Brown
Sandra Burke
Nancy J. Buswell (Allen)
Ann Buyer
Winifred Callahan (Taylor)
Anna Carchidi (Fisler)
Donald Carloni
Donald Carpenter
Christopher Castles
Kevin Castles
Glenn Clancey
Carol Craig (Loveland)
Kevin Cusack
Karen Dettman
James Dick
Carol Diomede
Thomas Dittmeir
Dianne Drummey
Howard Duvall
Frances Fanara (Bostic)
Bruce Farrar
Kathleen Farrell (Morrisey)
Gail Finan
Margery Flinchbaugh
Carlene Ford
Patricia Genova (Sooter)
Andrea Hall (Smith)
Judith Hanson (Ellery)
Nancy Haraden (Polan)
Maureen Harkins (Shea)
Jonathan Hedges
Douglas Hofer
Frederick Hoffman, Jr.
Peter Holt
Louise Howard
Susan Hutton (Murray)
Peter Jenkins
Lenard Johnson
Gordon Jones
Amy Kaiser (Sanderson)
Michael Kenney
Carolyn King (Sundberg)
Corinne Kluwer (Chesterfield)
Patricia Koch
Francis Koppeis
John Larson
Ronald Laudone
Patricia MacKenzie (Day)
Patricia McDaniel (Young)
Elinore McDaniels (Kuebler)
James McIntosh
Steven McKenney
Kathryn Miller (Champagne)
Tonie Mitchell
Carol Morford
Jerome Mullins
Mary Murdock (Farnsworth)
Richard Murphy
Cynthia Murray
Shirley Murray (McDaniel)
Nancy O'Neill (Kuntdz)
Janet Packard (Croce)
Deborah Perkins
Michael Pezzella
Richard Power
Jeanne Pozgay (Tully)
William Ray
Marilyn Rayner (Moore)
Louise Reed (Howard)
Constance Roberts (Tomsick)
Marion Roche (Lichtenberg)
Paul Sansevero
Linda Saylor (Bechtolt)
Susan Schermerhorn
Arthur Shelley
Kathleen Simkins (Blay)
Jill Slaney (Toomey)
Wendie Slaney (Sheehan)
Priscilla Small (Ahern)
Randall Smith
Jean Socci (Placanica)
Sue Sommer (Zimmerman)
Barbara Sullivan (Cook)
Richard Telford
Robert Telford
Marilyn Thomson
Stephen Turbayne
Mark Tuveson
Ann Twomey (O'Rourke)
John Walsh
Janette Weaver
Marguerite Welch (Engstrom)
Janice Wharton (Snyder)
Laura White (McLellan)
Robert Wilson
Richard Young